City Council

Luke D. Giddings


Gloria S. Lewis

Mayor Pro Tempore

Wayne Hancock

City Council

Belinda Hay

City Council

Shirley Hill

City Council

Keishan Scott

City Council

Public Notice of Candidate Filing

A special candidate filing period for the (City of Bishopville City Council) will open at noon on (Friday, May 24, 2024), and close at noon on (Monday, June 3, 2024). Any candidate seeking a seat for this office must file during this period with the City of Bishopville at the City of Bishopville City Hall.

Bishopville Downtown Master Plan

Bishopville is a beautiful historic city, home to legends such as Pearl Fryar, Drink Small and the Lizard Man. A gateway to the Pee Dee and a fertile agricultural area, Bishopville has struggled to maintain its once prosperous downtown and thriving population. With its historic and cultural assets, how can the elected leaders, residents and business owners reestablish downtown as the vibrant heart of Bishopville? You plan for it. City Council is committed to and invested in the successful implementation of the plan’s recommendations.

Click on the button to view a pdf of our Bishopville Downtown Master Plan.

Bishopville City Council Meetings

Bishopville City Council Committees

Commercial Affairs Committee

  • Gloria Lewis, Chairperson
  • Wayne Hancock
  • Shirley Hill

The commercial affairs committee will be responsible for downtown revitalization, beautification programs, and relations with the merchants and the Lee County Chamber of Commerce. Downtown parking and other related matters will be handled by this committee.

Community Affairs Committee

  • Keishan Scott, Chairperson
  • Edward Byrd
  • Belinda Scott Hay

The Community Affairs Committee will be responsible for projects which deal with improvements in the livability of our community. Projects such as an anti-litter campaign, dog control and recreation will be handled by this committee. Any citizens advisory-type committees will work through this committee.

Developmental Affairs Committee

  • Wayne Hancock, Chairperson
  • Shirley Wesley Hill
  • Keishan Scott

The Developmental Affairs Committee will be the liaison between City Council and the AllianceDevelopment Board. The committee will have responsibility for City projects which affect industrial development such as water/sewer expansion. The committee will also have responsibility for zoning issues, major residential development projects and code enforcement.

Financial Affairs Committee

  • Shirley Hill, Chairperson
  • Keishan Scott
  • Wayne Hancock

The Financial Affairs Committee will be responsible for assisting in the development of the City budget draft. They will also be responsible for overseeing major purchases, and debt obligations of the City.

Governmental Affairs Committee

  • Edward Byrd, Chairperson
  • Gloria Lewis
  • Belinda Scott Hay

The Governmental Affairs committee will be responsible for the City’s relationship and position with other governmental bodies and agencies. The committee will also deal with the internal functions of the City such as personnel, litigation, and organizational items.

Public Relations Committee

  • Belinda Scott Hay, Chairperson
  • Gloria Lewis
  • Edward Byrd

The Public Committee will be responsible for projects and programs which enable the City and its departments to better communicate with and educate the citizens of Bishopville. Crime Watch programs, public hearing policies/scheduling and public information programs will be overseen by this committee.

Community Pool Committee

  • Wayne Hancock
  • Shirley Hill
  • Gloria Lewis

Santee Lynches Council of Government Representative

  • Wayne Hancock

© Copyright - City of Bishopville | All Rights Reserved


Keishan Scott


Shirley Hill


Belinda Hay


Wayne Hancock


Edward Byrd


Gloria S. Lewis


Luke D. Giddings